Project     Result     Partners     Health Value Creation     Contacts 



The PATHeD project developed, tested and brought into production a first version of a citizen access mobile app toolkit together with enhanced data sharing capabilities for the European Union and implementing Member States. The project tested a mobile app reference implementation for citizen access to their translated Patient Summary, deploy the tools most appropriate for the national eHealth infrastructures and provide the first evaluation of the extended MyHealth@EU (MyHealth@EU - Flyer addressed to patients and health professionals) infrastructure in production by June 2024.


The project developed a mobile application to give people access to their health data, as recorded in their Patient Summary. When it will be implemented in operation, citizens can present their recorded health data in a translated form to a clinician abroad if needed, identify themselves with their mobile, they can control who has access to their health data and check what is recorded about them.

Deploying Member States was Cyprus, Czechia, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Slovenia.

A total of 153 citizens across these countries used the PATHeD mobile application’s functions and downloaded their Patient Summary in a translated format.

Pracitcing physicians assessed the translated medical information and approved these information as understandable and useful for medical decisions.

Citizens evaluated the functions excellent or good in three-quarters of the uses. They considered this service highly relevant and useful when travelling abroad.

In summary, the app will support people in feeling safer when travelling within the European Union, and their health data will travel with them. They can be more confident when they have to seek medical care abroad, since they can more easily explain their health conditions in other countries.


The countries participated in the implementation are Cyprus, Czechia, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Slovenia, with France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain as additional members of the consortium.

Participating Organisations

Vysocina Kraj, Czechia
National eHealth Authority, Cyprus
University of Cyprus
Cyprus University of Technology
Ministere Des Affaires Sociales et de Santé, France
Agence du Numérique an Santé, France
ESZFK – Health Informatics Service and Development Center, Hungary
Department of Health, Ireland
Ministero della Salute, Italy
Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, Italy
Regione Lombardia, Italy
ARIA SpA, Italy
Stichting Nationaal ICT Instituut in de Zorg, The Netherland
SPMS – Serrvicos Partilhados do Ministerio da Saude EPE, Portugal
Nacionalni Institute za Javno Zdravje, Slovenia
Ministerio de Sanidad, Spain

Health Value Creation

The PATHeD project developed a framework that will support a people-centred eHealth ecosystem placing individuals at the centre of services.

    Power to the People

The medium-term goal for citizens is to better manage their health through better information, including sharing data with other apps, with an option to download a medical summary offline in areas with limited internet connectivity.

    Electronic Identification (eID)

It provides easy access, secure data management, and trustworthy information governance. Facilitated services are personal identification and consent management.

    1EU – Regulated eHealth Market

With focus on value-based healthcare, agreement on European regulatory framework and common rules, on common methodology for conformance assessment of mobile applications, and on common verification process consisting of assessment, evaluation and referencing. Continuous Compliance Check and Auditing with transparent publication of results.

    MyHealth@EU in the European eHealth Ecosystem

MyHealth@EU's cross-border services offer citizens benefits such as easy access to their medical records, secure sharing of health data across Europe, and the ability to receive healthcare in any EU Member State without language barriers.


Citizens can download an app from Google Play and Apple store, such as the one for Digital COVID Certificate services or other national eHealth apps. They can use the existing authentication mechanism that they trust. The app has security and privacy measures that everybody can trust.


Provides bi-directional communication, e.g. „Have Your Say” for citizens, HCPs; educational materials to cater for the full spectrum of users. PATHeD prepares long term guidelines to increase digital health literacy amongst citizens throughout the European Union. It intends to increase inclusiveness and remove barriers to effective communication by learning from the past successes and mistakes.

Sister Project POTENTIAL

This Large Scale Pilot develops the first eHealth use case for the European Union Digital Identity Wallet Toolset. (Digital Identity Wallet)


Dr. Zoltan Lantos, Project Coordinator